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Graphic Design Services

"Buyers make most decisions by relying on their two-second first impressions based on stored memories, images and feelings."
Malcolm Gladwell, Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking

Did you know that People Remember...


Of what they HEAR


Of what they READ


Of what they SEE
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Graphic Design for Business

It takes between 5-7 impressions to even start creating brand awareness. This shows how important consistency is in branding. Branding is not just graphic design, but it plays a huge part especially for online business.

Graphic design is more than just creating pretty pictures on a computer. It is the art of communication and problem solving through visual cues. Graphic design a big part of competing in business online or offline.  The main reason people prefer graphics and imagery over written text is primarily due to its speed of absorption. According to 3M Research, visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than text. Strong graphics can instantly communicate a message, feeling,emotion, and value; sometimes in as quickly as one second.

How Professional Design Helps Your Business

Buyers make most decisions by relying on their two-second first impressions based on stored memories, images and feelings

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Creativity kills competition. To be able to stand out on a shelf, to be able to tell your brand story online, to show your product solving pain points, having a distinctive and memorable brand logo / website are all made easier with graphic design.
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When consumers buy from brands, they put their trust in them. Chances are, nobody’s reading your mission statement, so how else will they know what your brand values are. This is not to say your brand values are not important, they are, very important and even more so today than ever before, but you must be creative in how to amplify them to your customers.
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Graphic design is important for any business wanting to create credibility in their industry or field. Consistency is credibility. Your company’s total brand image starts with a great logo and expands to every aspect of your business.

How we can help?

There are no shortcuts for professional graphic design – whether it’s a logo, business card or website, bad design can make or break your business.

Does your business have a lot of competition? If so, you need to stand out, and to do this you will need high-quality  The difference between a carefully considered, well-crafted logo, for instance, and something you’ve spent £20 on will be obvious. Investing in a graphic designer is going to give you a much better chance of establishing a distinct brand identity, thereby setting you apart from the competition.

Design is not a random process: a designer has a clear strategy to effectively convey your message visually to an audience.

Before any project starts, we take the time to understand the product or service you’re selling, your target market and your competition through an extensive design survey. Then we like to brainstorm, create mood-boards and figure out what you like before we create some designs for you to choose between. From here we offer iterations to the design to get it just perfect.

Hi, I'm Dave. I'll be working on your design

I am a Graphic Designer with a passion for all things digital. I have 7+ years of professional experience in Graphic and Web Design, with an Honours Degree in Visual Communication from Crawford College of Art and Design/Cork Institute of Technology. I am an experienced, enthusiastic and multi-disciplined designer looking forward to creating something with you.


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