How Digital Ads Work
The Google Display Network reaches 90% of Internet users worldwide. (Google, 2019)
34% of local searches with the “near me” keyword result in users visiting the actual store.
Digital advertising is a targeted, data-driven advertising strategy for reaching consumers in every stage of the buying funnel and moving them from one stage of the buying funnel to the next. From awareness to purchase, you can use digital media advertising (and online ad channels like Google) to drive revenue.
We develop & publish promotional material through online platforms such as social media, search engines,websites, and any other program that target your customers.
There are three main types of digital advertising:
1. Paid for advertising such as Google AdWords.
2. Organic advertising: blogs, apps, social networks
3. Buzz advertising such as communications generated through public relations online.
Online advertising is growing massively all over the world.Display advertising is by far the most popular at this point in time.
How does Digital Advertising Differ from Traditional Advertising?

There is no clear way to track the origin of leads through traditional methods without asking every person that visits your business. With digital marketing methods, you can accurately track the results of your campaign. You can also track various metrics with each campaign. This includes impressions, clicks, comments, shares, conversions, and more. It makes it easy for you to know how your campaign is performing.
With traditional marketing methods, it’s difficult for small-to-mid-size businesses to compete with larger companies. For example, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising allows you to choose your budget. Whether you want to spend $500 or $2000, you set the amount that works for your company. This is a unique advantage of online marketing. The most significant cost of digital marketing is time. It can take time to implement strategies and develop results from those strategies. The results, however, are well worth the investment of your time.
Targeting people with traditional marketing methods is difficult. Generally, your message goes to everyone in hopes of reaching people interested in your business. With digital marketing you can specifically target consumers with interest in your company, services, or products. Target customers based on location, interests, demographics, behaviors, engagements etc.
If you sign off on a pint ad there’s no going back. If it is not received well from the market there is no changing it.With digital advertising you can test different colours, text, images and find what gets the best reaction. You can do this all in real time. Update campaigns, tweak social posts and optimise your websites. The interaction element of digital allows you to listen to your customers in real time.
Take TV adverts as an example. You have to wait for a certain slot when you think your target market are watching, costs vary and this is considering that your viewers don’t skip the adverts or change the channel. With digital you pick the right time to launch your campaigns.

Types of Digital Adverts
Display Ads:
Display advertising is the most basic form of digital ads. Usually we will see these in the form of banners, landing pages, popups, or flash ads on websites and mostly on blogs. The main difference between display ads and the other types is that display ads do not show up on search results. These ads are quite affordable and we can implement them quite simply. The main goal here is reach.
Native Ads:
Native advertising is based on audience online habits and history and will show ads that may be relevant to them. These will show up with a “sponsored” tag.For example we will have clients products show up at the top of a search result on Amazon for that market. Users find these quite helpful as they are relevant to their search.
Social Media Ads:
Facebook, Instagram, youtube, twitter ads etc are all forms of social media ads which are essentially native ads. We are use detailed targeting to find your customers and serve them tailored adverts that are designed with specific goals in mind depending on where in the marketing funnel your customers are. These are very cheap and super effective.
Re-targeting / Re-marketing:
When a user visits your website they are “cookied” or tagged. To re-market to these visitors, a code is placed on the page that the user visits, which then triggers your ads to serve this user adverts on other sites such as social media. Usually peoples reaction is to think that Google is listening to them, it’s just some nifty re-targeting.
Search Engine Marketing:
You will typically see these ads as the top results on a Google search (usually the top 3) and they will be marked as an “Ad” also. These work well as they are based on keywords that users are already looking for. The two main sub-types of SEM are pay per click(PPC), and search engine optimization (SEO).
Video Ads:
No prizes for guessing what these are.Video is THE most influential form of advertising. Depending on the level of production video can be expensive to produce but can also yield massive results.
Email Marketing:
E-mail marketing and advertising is still a fundamental tool to the marketing manager, especially when it comes to long-term customer relationships.

We have experience in implementing all of the above for businesses with great success. We understand the subtle nuances with each and we’d love to help you reach more customers using digital techniques.
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Thursday, August 6, 2020
Digital Marketing